Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. There are many different ways to boost your chances of living a happy, healthy life. Find information on wellness, diet, fitness, exercise, weight loss, mental health, anti-aging, conditions & diseases, nutrition, drugs & medications, and more…
March 28, 2008
A secret for living a healthier, stress-free life?

March 15, 2008
Healthy meal helps to achieve a slim figure

But don't worry; still you can take turn-back to healthy life, all is not lost, because any habit that is learned can be unlearned. You can gain a trim healthy figure without too much effort or drastic shift of hard exercise. All you have to do is to slow down at mealtimes, begin to enjoy your food, take better care of yourself, and keep a trim healthy figure to live and enjoy happier and healthier life.
First of all you will have to require some adjustments to your daily schedule. For your first meal of the day, go for something healthy, even if it is just some fruit, milk, dairy product or nuts etc. Studies show that starting your day with a healthy mix of protein and carbohydrate boosts your metabolism and helps you burn fat throughout the day. And if you have a mid-morning or afternoon snack, keep it light and make it a bit small size if possible. Stretching it out will make it feel like more in the end.
Secondly! At mealtimes, go to eat a full balanced meal that includes foods you like, choose foods that are not loaded with preservatives and chemicals and that means stay away from prepared fast foods as much as possible, as your digestive system was designed to break down natural foods. Also eating slower and chewing you food well will help you enjoy the different tastes on your plate and make you more aware when your body is full.
Finally, don't forget to add some exercise to your daily routine as it play a major role to achieve you a slim figure and live a healthy life. But it doesn't have to be something exhausting or lengthy. Studies show that short bursts of activity throughout the day help to maintain an optimum weight. Some little suggestions include taking a short walk after lunch, parking further out in the grocery store parking lot, walking to the corner store as opposed to driving, and opting to take the stairs as opposed to the elevator whenever you can. These extra steps will boost your chance to live a happier and healthier lifestyle and to gain a trim healthy body.
March 10, 2008
Stretching Excercies

- May improve Ranage of Motion / Muscle Flesxibility
- Reduce risk of injury
- Prevent post-exercise muscle soreness
- Slow delayed-onset muscle soreness
March 8, 2008
Health Benefits to Excercise
Underweight = <18.5 weight =" 18.5-24.9" overweight =" 25-29.9" obesity =" BMI" align="justify">A way to determine your weight risks is your waist circumference. Place a measuring tape snugly around your waist. This is a good indicator of your abdominal (stomach) fat, which is another predictor of your risk for developing heart disease and other diseases. High blood pressure, high LDL (bad) cholesterol, low HDL (good) cholesterol, high triglycerides, high blood sugar, a family history of p

The knockout punch will be changing your lifestyle. Setting the right

March 1, 2008
Home Remedies
Myths and legends often have their basis in a grain of truth. So I wondered if home remedies, alternative treatments, and folklore cures might also be based on truth. First, let’s try to define the phrase home remedy.
There’s No Place Like Home
The name itself proclaims that a home remedy is, well, a remedy that’s administered at home! Prescription drugs are often given at home as remedies, so we need to dig a little deeper. When you think of home remedy, don’t you think of some sort of cure or treatment that’s outside mainstream modern medicine? Me too. Let’s take a look at some choices.
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