March 10, 2008

Stretching Excercies

Stretching is the deliberate act of lengthening of muscles, in order to increase muscle flexibility and joint range of motion. Stretching is a natural activity often performed without thinking by most people and many animals, and can simply be pleasurable. Stretching often occurs right after waking from sleep, after long periods of inactivity, or after exiting confined spaces. Many athletes stretch deliberately before or after exercise in order to increase performance and reduce injury.
There are many beneficial stretching excercies that can improve Range of Motion (ROM) or muscle flexibility in athletes, especially runners or a common man. There are some key benefits of stretching.
  • May improve Ranage of Motion / Muscle Flesxibility
  • Reduce risk of injury
  • Prevent post-exercise muscle soreness
  • Slow delayed-onset muscle soreness
To gain these benefits, You have to add different forms of stretching in your daily programme, one stretching exercise may not be enough to prevent all types of injury. Therefore, multiple stretching exercises should be used to gain the full effects or benefits of stretching.

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