Stress can be caused by almost anything around us, traffic, job, lack of money, family and the list goes on. Some can handle stress well and remain calm while others need to release it to start functioning well again. For both cases, it is important to face that you are undergoing a stressful situation and come up with an immediate plan to resolve it. Simply ignoring it will not make it go away, rather it can haunt you in the future. There are medical studies that proves that psychological stress can add up to the immune-related disease that can make you very sick. 1. Know your problem. The first step is knowing your enemy and acknowledge that you are undergoing afight over stress. Then you need to determine the type of stress that you are dealing with. There are two basic types, long term and acute stress. A long term stress is the stress that you endure daily, everything that you encounter in your life can add up to this. On the otherhand, acute stress is caused by more specific...
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